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Tesla: a 4% boost on election day

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Election Day brought a welcome surprise for Tesla, whose stock (TSLA) rose by 4%. This rebound comes after a period of volatility for the company, marked by mixed financial results and concerns about the future of its founder, Elon Musk. This article explores the reasons behind this renewed interest in Tesla’s stock and what it means for investors.

A reaction to electoral events

The link between political events and stock market performance is well established, and the American elections are no exception. For Tesla, election day was an opportunity for a significant rebound, allowing the stock to stabilize after several days of decline. Investors seem to have reacted positively to the possibility of a favorable political direction, hoping that the election results could influence the dynamics of the automotive market and green technologies.

Elon Musk, as the iconic figure of Tesla, plays a crucial role in market perception. His involvement with the Trump administration has sparked mixed reactions among investors. If Trump were to win the elections, it could have implications for Tesla’s business strategy and how the company is perceived in the broader context of environmental and economic policies.

Tesla’s recent challenges

Despite this boost on election day, Tesla’s recent trajectory has been marked by significant challenges. After a third-quarter earnings report that initially sparked optimism, the stock quickly fell due to a disappointing Robotaxi launch. Investors began to worry about Tesla’s ability to maintain its leading position in the electric vehicle market in the face of increasing competition.

These fluctuations highlight the inherent volatility of the stock market and the necessity for investors to carefully evaluate their strategies. The repeated sale of shares by Cathie Wood and her company Ark Investment Management over the past few days indicates a growing caution among certain institutional investors.


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Picture of Onja Mbola

Onja Mbola

Avec une licence en informatique, Onja Mbola Andrianirimanjaka se distingue par sa polyvalence et son expertise dans divers domaines. Il excelle en développement web et se révèle être un rédacteur talentueux, notamment sur des sujets liés à la finance, aux cryptomonnaies et aux NFT. Sa passion pour les nouvelles technologies stimule sa curiosité et lui permet de rester à la pointe des évolutions de son secteur.

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