Dubai Customs launches blockchain platform for smart city

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Dubai Customs recently launched a blockchain platform as part of its smart city effort. The initiative aims to improve the transparency and security of customs operations, using blockchain technology to record and verify transactions in a decentralized way.

Dubai Customs’ blockchain platform

Dubai Customs’ blockchain platform will enable transactions to be tracked and verified transparently and securely. It will be used to record goods movements, customs documents and payments, which should reduce transaction times and costs. This innovation is an important step in Dubai’s drive to become a smart city. It also aims to boost business and consumer confidence in the customs system through enhanced traceability.

The impact on transparency and safety

Blockchain technology will bring a new dimension of transparency and security to customs operations. Transactions will be permanently and immutably recorded, reducing the risk of fraud and corruption. Stakeholders will also be able to verify transactions in real time, enhancing trust and transparency in the customs system. In addition, the automation of processes thanks to smart contracts will enable customs operations to be managed more efficiently and rapidly.

Outlook for the future

The launch of this blockchain platform opens up new prospects for the future of Dubai’s smart city. It could inspire other countries and regions to adopt blockchain technologies to improve their customs systems. This initiative also demonstrates Dubai’s ability to remain at the forefront of technological innovation, reinforcing its position as a major economic and financial center.


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Picture of Onja Mbola

Onja Mbola

Avec une licence en informatique, Onja Mbola Andrianirimanjaka se distingue par sa polyvalence et son expertise dans divers domaines. Il excelle en développement web et se révèle être un rédacteur talentueux, notamment sur des sujets liés à la finance, aux cryptomonnaies et aux NFT. Sa passion pour les nouvelles technologies stimule sa curiosité et lui permet de rester à la pointe des évolutions de son secteur.

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