Trends Cryptos

Crypto venture capital funding exceeds $1 billion

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Crypto venture capital funding hit $1 billion for the second month in a row, with 161 investments in April, up from 186 in March.

An all-time record

This represents the first time since October and November 2022 that the industry has recorded two months of financing in excess of $1 billion. Total financing for April reached $1.02 billion, down slightly from the $1.09 billion recorded in March.

Notable investments

Notable investments include a $47 million funding round led by BlackRock in real-asset tokenization firm Securitize, as well as a $225 million funding round in Monad, a new tier-one blockchain backed by Paradigm and Coinbase Ventures. The teams behind blockchain infrastructure startup Auradine and Cosmos-based top-level blockchain Berachain also received funding of $80 million and $100 million respectively.

The most financed sectors

Blockchain infrastructure companies received the most funding in 2024, with $1.7 billion, while decentralized finance protocols (DeFi) came in second, with $626 million. Decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) received the least funding, with just $3 million in 2024.

A promising future

More than $3.67 billion has been injected into the blockchain industry in 2024, across 604 funding rounds, which is expected to exceed the $9.3 billion recorded in 2023. More than $100 billion has now been injected into the blockchain industry across 5,195 funding rounds since June 2014, according to DeFiLlama.


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Picture of Onja Mbola

Onja Mbola

Avec une licence en informatique, Onja Mbola Andrianirimanjaka se distingue par sa polyvalence et son expertise dans divers domaines. Il excelle en développement web et se révèle être un rédacteur talentueux, notamment sur des sujets liés à la finance, aux cryptomonnaies et aux NFT. Sa passion pour les nouvelles technologies stimule sa curiosité et lui permet de rester à la pointe des évolutions de son secteur.

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