Goldman Sachs clients’ interest in crypto-currencies revives in 2024

Temps de lecture : 2 minutes

2024 marks a turning point for the crypto-currency sector, with a notable resurgence of interest from institutional investors, including clients of Goldman Sachs’ Asia-Pacific branch. This resurgence of appetite for Bitcoin, Ether and other digital assets is being driven primarily by the recent approval of Bitcoin-based exchange-traded funds (ETFs).

The rebirth of institutional interest

The impact of ETFs on Bitcoin

In January, the approval of ten new Bitcoin-based ETFs in the US sent a strong signal to the market, further integrating crypto-currencies into the traditional financial ecosystem. Max Minton, Head of Digital Assets for Goldman Sachs Asia-Pacific, points out that this approval triggered a surge of interest and activity among the firm’s clients.

Demand from existing customers

Renewed demand comes mainly from Goldman’s existing clients, who are exploring options and futures as a means of investing in the crypto-currency sector. Hedge funds are particularly active, looking to capitalize on the volatility of the crypto-currency market.

Investment strategies and popularity of Bitcoin-related products

Goldman Sachs clients mainly use derivatives to gain exposure to the volatility of crypto-currencies and make weighted forecasts of medium-term price trends. Bitcoin-related products stand out as the most popular investment vehicles among active clients.

Future prospects and offering expansion

Towards the approval of an Ether ETF?

Minton also anticipates the potential approval of an Ether-based ETF in the U.S., which could further steer the firm’s institutional clients towards Ether. However, Bloomberg analysts estimate only a 35% chance of such approval by May, due to prolonged silence from the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Expanding to a wider customer universe

Irrespective of ETF approval, Goldman Sachs plans to expand its offering to a wider universe of customers, including asset management funds, banks and companies specializing in crypto assets. This strategy demonstrates the bank’s willingness to fully embrace the evolution of the digital asset market.


The renewed interest in crypto-currencies at Goldman Sachs symbolizes a broader trend in the financial world, where the integration of digital assets into traditional markets is becoming increasingly palpable. The year 2024 could well mark a tipping point in the perception and institutional adoption of crypto-currencies, paving the way for new investment opportunities and increased recognition of their intrinsic value.


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Soa Fy

Soa Fy

Rédactrice SEO spécialisée en cryptomonnaie, Finance

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