Uniswap in the spotlight for its KYC V4 Hook procedure

Temps de lecture : 2 minutes

In the world of cryptocurrencies, Uniswap has recently been at the center of discussions following the revelation of a KYC (Know Your Customer) procedure. The new V4 version has prompted numerous reactions and questions from users and industry observers alike.

What is KYC?

The term KYC, for Know Your Customer, refers to a series of regulatory measures. These are designed to combat financial fraud and money laundering. These requirements oblige exchange platforms to verify the identity and provenance of their customers’ funds. The KYC process is widely used in traditional banking and finance. To date, its application in the cryptocurrency sector has regularly sparked debate.

KYC Hook on Uniswap

On Uniswap, Hooks are functionalities added to liquidity pools to enrich and personalize their behavior. Among the available Hooks, one named KYC Hook attracted particular attention. The aim of the latter is to get to know customers before authorizing them to carry out transactions on a pool.

The news quickly spread across the Internet. It gave rise to all kinds of theories and concerns among users. Some personalities, such as Chris Blec, highlighted the arrival of KYC on Uniswap.

Why is this KYC Hook controversial?

Critics of this Hook argue that the introduction of such a mechanism goes against the original spirit of cryptocurrencies. These digital currencies advocate decentralized, anonymous transactions. What’s more, some fear that KYC will be extended to all Uniswap pools in future upgrades. Identity verification will become mandatory to access the platform.

The intention behind the KYC Hook

According to Uniswap, there is no question of imposing this Hook on all users. In fact, the KYC Hook has been designed for entities wishing to deploy liquidity pools on the platform. The aim is to comply with the legal constraints of their jurisdiction. In particular, these pools would enable companies to issue bonds on Ethereum. Likewise, they can offer on a secondary market via Uniswap, while complying with the laws in force.

UniswapX: A new exchange platform

In parallel with this debate, Uniswap has announced the development of a new exchange platform called UniswapX. We’ll be keeping a close eye on this development and its possible consequences for the cryptocurrency market. The same applies to the identity verification mechanisms put in place by the various exchange platforms.


The controversy surrounding the KYC Hook in Uniswap V4 raises some important questions. It casts doubt on the respect for confidentiality and adherence to the legal framework. Further developments will undoubtedly clarify these issues and the choices made by Uniswap in terms of regulation and anonymity.


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