Trends Cryptos

Blockchain Robots Serving Coffee: An Inclusive Automation Revolution

Temps de lecture : < 1 minute

Dubai, famous for its bold innovations, hosts a fascinating glimpse into the future with blockchain-powered robots serving coffee and ice cream, while offering cryptographic incentives. This groundbreaking demonstration, presented at Token2049, combines blockchain technology with automation to transform our relationship with technology.

Le Café, now blockchain

At the heart of this innovation is XMAQUINA, a company pioneering the integration of blockchain into automation. Their latest project, a fully automated robotic café, uses blockchain technology to reward consumers with cryptocurrencies for every cup of coffee sold.

Democratizing automation

Mauricio Zolliker, co-founder and CEO of XMAQUINA, explains that this initiative aims to give individuals a fair stake in the age of impending automation. Using the tokenization of revenues generated by autonomous robots, XMAQUINA aims to transform individuals into shareholders in automation, rather than seeing them as its victims.

Data security and transparency

One of the major challenges in adopting blockchain technology is data security. XMAQUINA addresses this concern by using Peaq’s identity management system, guaranteeing secure interaction between users and robots while preserving data anonymity.

At a time when automation promises to radically transform the global employment landscape, XMAQUINA demonstrates that the future can be synonymous with opportunity rather than threat. By enabling everyone to become an entrepreneur and reap the rewards of automation, this initiative paves the way for a more inclusive and dynamic society.


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